
there's no crying in baseball!

So the Braves won one last night.  It feels like every game I've watched this season they've lost and after the two embarassing games againts Florida on the 23rd and 25th (they did win on the 24th), I didn't watch any against Washington.  They did lose to Washington on the 27th and 29th, winning on the 28th (noticing a pattern).  But they did well last night!  Heyward had three doubles, and McCann had a homerun in the fifth.  Heyward hit it to left field and the Reds left fielder kicked the ball while sliding to catch it allowing the last two runs to be scored for the Braves in the 10th inning.  Prado slid across home jamming his pinky.  X-rays after the game were inconclusive.  I hope he's not out.

Anyway, enough about baseball. 

Actually, I don't really have anything to talk about other than the game.



girls in trucks.

Ok, so I was really disappointed in this book.  Maybe it's because the other books I read this week were so good.  And the last one, Watermelon, was really funny.  This one just missed the mark.  I thought it was going to be one of those Southern books and it really wasn't.  I mean, she's born and raised in the South, and she goes back periodically, but most of the book seems to be spent with her in New York making bad decisions, being whiny, and pining after men.  At one point she goes to Peru for really no reason for a guy.  They were trying too hard to be deep and thoughtful I think.  Some writers can truly be deep and thoughtful and it's wonderful, but Katie Crouch is clearly not one of those writers.  It came across as depressing and stupid.  I was disappointed.

Sorry for all the book related stuff this week.  I've read three books this week alone.  I guess it's 'cause I've been home from school.


vintage & watermelon.

Phoebe quits her job at an auction house to open her own vintage store.  The book follows her through the courtship of two men, opening her store, the sky-blue coat that connects her to elderly Mrs. Bell and dealing with the loss of Emma.  This book is basically about how every piece of vintage tells a story, and can make you feel special. But it's more than that. A lot more than that.  It's a great book, but does have some sad moments.  The descriptions of the vintage is wonderful.

Claire's husband James leaves her on the day their baby girl is born.  So Claire decides to go home to her family in Dublin.  To her beautiful sister Helen, the hippie sister Anna, her soap watching Mom, and her bewildered Dad.  Surrounded by her family (and with the help of Adam) she gets better.  James is in for a surprise when he tries to come back.  This is such a delightful book.  I love the way it's written.  If you want a good, funy, slightly empowering read, you should read this.


in the closet.

This is our closet.  Yeah.  Makes me miss the nice big walk-in I had when I lived in Snellville.  That closet was totally wasted on 7 year old me.

I get the bottom rack, and that shelf for my jeans.  All my shoes are under the clothes on the floor. 
Yeah, those awesome cowboy boots are mine.

I really don't have that many clothes, which I guess is why I've never done outfit posts (other than being too sheepish to get Andrew to take my picture).  Most bloggers seem to have an endless supply of clothes (jealous!), and if they wear something again it always looks fresh.  I don't think I'm that creative.

I do love that a lot of bloggers actually take the time to thrift and find great deals on things and be creative.  So even though they may have a lot of clothes, they may not have spent a ton of money.  It gets old to see the bloggers that have one expensive thing after another.  Not that they aren't pretty to look at, and not that there's anything wrong with having a few designer pieces.  I just think it takes more creativity to put together some thrifted pieces, some vintage and maybe one designer piece, instead of piling on the designer stuff.

Just an opinion.


four months.

Today I have been married for four months.  It feels like a lot longer sometimes (in a good way).  I wonder what it'll feel like when it's a year.

Did Shelly's hair on Saturday morning.  Color and cut, though the color was just to tone down her highlights.  But I'm real proud of that cut.

I joined BlogLovin, so follow me on that too, if you want.



I feel that sometimes I talk about the people in my life and you have no idea who they are.  So this is my 'cast of characters' in my life.

Andrew-  If you don't know who this is by now... yeah.  This is my wonderful husband.

John-  This is my darling brother.

Elaine-  John's sweet wife.

Johnathan & Shelly-  Andrew's brother and his wife.  My awesome new brother and sister.

Daddy-  My amazing Father.  :)

Tom & Kim-  Andrew's parents, my awesome in laws.

Kara-  My super cool Kentucky cousin.

I would put my mother up here, but I couldn't find a picture of her.  I guess it's a little obvious who she is anyway.  This is all for now, I'll keep adding as needed I guess.



Waiting on Shelly so I can do her hair.

Andrew's at work.  :(

I love my husband more than anything.  I had a dream last night that he died.  It was terrible.  I don't even know what I'd do if that actually happened.


lucky you.

I got my first pair of Lucky Brand jeans today.  Actually, Kim (mother-in-law) bought them for me.  They were at T.J. Maxx for $32.  They were originally like $150.  Exciting!

She also bought me this adorable Lucky Brand purse for Christmas.  It was marked from $120 down to $59.  It's small, leather, has a long adjustable strap, and is the prettiest shade of blue.  I would post a picture but I didn't take one and can't find it online.

I was happy a few weeks ago when we (I have an awesome mother-in-law) found my Lucky Brand sandals.  They were $68 marked to $45 and we got them for $20.  They're so comfortable, which is important to me, partly because of my career path.  It was awesome because I wanted a black pair of sandals and I wanted to spend the same amount on them as I did when I got my brown Reefs.  And I did!  For a better brand!

These are the sandals.

This is the other Lucky Brand bag I want. 



So besides the header I went a little nuts and redid my picture and the sidebar.  Trying to spiff it up a little.  The section title pictures are actually closeups of the patterns from the tea cups in my header!  And now y'all can find me on Facebook.  And y'all need to check out Kaelah at Little Chief Honeybee.  She's awesome.  I'm not too sure who "y'all" is 'cause I'm pretty sure no one reads this.

I discovered Polyvore.  There's a link to that as well.  Chech out some of the sets I made.

Not too much going on...


fashion survey.

Hope y'all like my new header, whoever reads this...  The tea cups are a mix of mine and my Mother-in-law's (Kim).  The first cup is actually from my wedding china, and then they alternate between mine and hers.

Survey time!

How would you describe your style?
It's a bit of a mix, I guess.  Sometimes it's very girly and sometimes it's a little utilitarian.

If you wear make-up, how often do you use it?
Not very often, and I don't wear that much.  I probably only put make-up on once a week, if that.

Do you think women are better dressed today than from 15 years ago?
Yes and no.  Some women today look terrible, some look amazing.  15 years ago it was 1995 and I do like some of the grunge looks, but then some women looked terrible then, too.

If you could live in a particular decade, when would you live?
There are so many different periods where I love the clothes.  I particularly love the 20s through the 70s.  Anything before the 1900s seems a little impractical to wear, even though some of it is beautiful.

On average, how many times each day do you change your clothes?
It depends on what I'm doing that day.  If I change it's usualy only once.

How often do you wear a skirt?
I wear a dress almost every day.  I live in Georgia it's too hot for anything else.

How often do you wear pants?
Right now only when I ride the motorcycle.  Once the weather gets cooler I will wear pants more.

How high are your highest heels?
3 inches or so, but I never wear heels.

How often do you wear hosiery?
Only in the fall and I wear it fairly often.

What is your preffered hair removal method?
I just shave, though I wouldn't really say it's preffered.

What is your opinion on thongs and g-strings?
They're uncomfortable.  Not a big fan.  But they do get rid of panty lines.

What is your preferred choice of the following: Pantyhose/tights, stockings with garter belt, thigh highs, knee highs, regular socks, none.
None if I can.  I hate regular socks.  Probably thigh highs.  Panty hose can be tight and uncomfortable.

Do you visit a beauty/hair salon?
I work at one.  But as far as my hair, probably every 8 weeks or more.  Way more.  I don't get hair color that requires upkeep and my hair cuts usually get grown out anyway.



A few months ago I read the book Hungry by Crystal Renn.  It's very inspiring, has a good message, and is a good read.  Crystal goes from curvy 14 year old to super skinny model to a healthy size 12 and a fantastic career as a plus-size model.  The girl is awesome, and gorgeous.


pom pom.

I've decided I really do want a Pomeranian.  Which is odd because I've never liked small dogs.  I've always had fairly big dogs.  They're just so cute.

I mean, look how fluffy the first one is.  He looks like a big brown cotton ball.  I've read up on them a little, too.  They sound like really good dogs.  And the neighbor down the street at my parents used to have one.  His name was Corduroy.  He was a cute, sweet little dog.  And I do want a male.

The last five are my favorite colorings.  And the brown one is really cute, too.  I guess the white and the wolf sable are my absolute faves.  And I like the black and tan.  I saw a black and rust that's really pretty, too.  And the black and white.  Really I just don't want an orange one.  I'd take any color except the orange, blue or red.  They're just so cute and little!!!  Look at the one on the tile floor!  How is that not adorable?  Look at his little face.  I like his coloring, too.  I want one!



hell ride.

This movie is in no way a cinematic masterpiece.  But see it anyway.


sick of it all.

When we got our wedding pictures back several months ago we were excited.  Kim went nuts over them.  The first time we took them to my parents was a little disappointing.  Mom briefly looked at them but didn't say much.  We left them with her to pick out what she wanted for her parents album.  When Kim did this she spent hours looking and laid out her own album.  Mom gave me the pictures back and she had two envelopes.  She had about 10 pictures in the yes envelope and 5 in the maybe envelope.  Three of those pictures was of Andrew and I together.  She told me to pick out the rest.  When my brother got married she picked out every single picture (a lot of them) and got pushy with John and Elaine because it took them so long to get theirs, and she couldn't order hers until they had ordered theirs.

Yesterday Andrew and I went to put together our album with the photographer.  I called Mom on the way up there to see about getting some pictures for my grandparents and John and Elaine.  She called sometime after we had left and when I called her back all she wanted to talk about was her old friend that she wasn't even friends with anymore who had died.  She didn't ask about the pictures, didn't want to know what we had picked out, didn't even ask about the price.  Nothing.

It's always going to be like this, isn't it?  A few weeks ago she called to ask if I could come stay with her one night while Dad was out of town because she was lonely.  Dad is always out of town!  He's out of town every week.  She just wanted me to come stay so she could get her way from someone because she didn't get it from Dad.  I hadn't even been married 3 months yet!  She's asked before, "Can't you and Andrew do anything apart?"  We just freakin' got married.  Of course we want to do everything together. 

I'm so sick of all her crap, and trying to mediate everything, and trying not to hurt anyones feelings.  She's not going to ever be happy with me, she's not ever going to accept Andrew, and she's not ever going to look at it like we're actually married and I'm not going to be with her how Dad is with his parents.  And that I'm not going to be a little carbon copy of her.  I'm sick of everything down here.  I'm sick of school.  I'm sick of my Mother.  I'm sick of my old friends that give me updates on exes that I don't care about.  I'm sick of too many people living in this county.  I'm sick of suburbia. 

I just want us to leave.



Hope everyone had a good 4th.

I stressed myself out this weekend...  John and Elaine were in town.  My Aunt and Uncle were here helping their daughter move.  Had to see Mom, who barely said 10 words to me Saturday night.  Had to see them again Sunday.  She makes me stress myself out.  Stressed myself out Sunday night and the only thing I will say about yesterday is I swallowed a bug.  I envy John moving 7 hours away from our parents.

We really should just move to New Zealand.