

I should've been at school today but I over slept.  I woke up 5 minutes after I should have been gone already.

I'm having a small crisis with school.  I love doing hair, it's aweosme.  I love having people leave happy.  It's a great feeling.  But I'm not like a lot of the girls I go to school with, and it's making me wonder if I've gotten into the wrong profession.  They get up ridiculously early (5:30), do their hair (wash, blowdry, and curled or flatironed), get dressed (something different everyday), and do their make up (waaaay too much).  I roll out of bed at the last possible minute (7:15) , put clothes on (from yesterday), I shower and spray my hair with dry shampoo (for the 4th day) and maybe put on make up when I get to school (but probably not).  I'd rather go to a bar and watch UFC then go to a club and dance.  I watch Tombstone as opposed to Made of Honor.  I listen to Brian Setzer instead of Lady Gaga.  I drink beer or whiskey instead of cosmos or vodka.  I feel like I don't fit in with them.  Not that I have no friends there, I do.  Just not that many.

A lot of my problem is that I feel very far behind because I missed so much (I know, and I missed today).  I've just never been good at school.  I always wanted to be done before I even started, and the fact I'm behind is not helping.  Then there's the simple fact that, I just don't want to go!  The same thing happened to me with art, I really enjoyed it, I was good at it, I wanted to go to school for it, and then I just totally lost interest.  I never finish anything.  The only thing in years I've finished was marrying Andrew.

I don't know.  I feel like I'm having an identity crisis.  At my core I know who I am.  But I'm in between.  And restless.



I love log cabins.  When we get our house I want a log cabin or an older farm house.

I just love the way they look, you know? 

There's just something charming about them.

Yup, charming and woodsy.

I want one!!!


weight of the world.

I went to the doctor today, and I have bronchitis again.  But really, that's not so much what bothers me (other than the fact he told me I really need to quit smoking).  I saw how much I weigh for the first time in forever.  I was not very happy about it.

I mean, I knew I gained weight.  I think most women know when they gain weight.  At least I do.  I just can't believe how much I've gained.  I didn't feel like I weighed that much, but now that I know I sure feel like I weigh it.

Yeah, it's a little ridiculous that I just made a post about a woman who's comfortable with her curves.  And I love my curves, I don't want to be rid of them.  Mostly I'm worried about health stuff.  And I already have a lot of health problems that run in my family.  I'm 22, I'm too young to weigh this much.  Not that I've ever been skinny.  Not that I want to be skinny, just healthy.

I just get so tired of it, I guess.


christina hendricks.

This woman is amazing.  The fact that she is comfortable with herself is incredible.  She is absolutely gorgeous in whatever she wears and is effortlessly classy.  She is a throwback to that old Hollywood glamour when women had a real figure.  She was named the Sexiest Woman In The World by Esquire this year.

Most of you know her as Joan Halloway on AMC's Mad Men.  But some of you (very, very few of you) may remember her as Saffron on the short lived Fox sci-fi show Firefly (2002).  She also had a guest appearance on the show Angel (2000) as a bar maid.



I really don't understand how people can be so mean.  Especially when it's a 36 and a 25 year old woman.  Picking on a 22 year old girl.  The whole thing is just stupid.  I feel bad for the 22 year old.  She has done nothing.  She stays out of their way, she doesn't talk to them.  She doesn't even talk about them. 

And not only are they mean to this girl, they get special treatment.  So the class already has reason to not like them.  They get to stay late and we don't.  We forget something in our car and we get sent home.  They get to go get it.  We come in 1 minute late from break and we get sent home.  They come in 10 minutes late and get to stay.  One day about 15 minutes into class the 36 year old went to her car, and stayed there til lunch.  When we got out for lunch she was in the breakroom.  When we got back to class she went back to her car.  And got hours for it.  Both of them lied about going to a hair show and got hours for that, too.  These are things that have actually happened.

But after today... Good grief.  I did not pay all that money to go to a school and listen to shit like I heard today in class during our State Board review.  I paid that money to learn.  To be the best and get the better job when I graduate.   I didn't pay to listen to women who are old enough to know better say shit like that.  Pointless shit.  This is something that 15 year olds do.  I thought I graduated from high school in '06.  Apparently I was wrong.

And all I can think of now is what if it's like that in the salon I work at?  What if it's like that in every salon?  It's still a bunch of women.



I decided to have a selfish day and talk about ME.  Well, I guess since this blog is mine I talk about me all the time.  But yeah, someone emailed me a questionnaire, so I'm going to fill it out.

What's your name?

Where do you live?

What are you going to do with your life?
I'm going to work, love, play, and be happy.

What is your favorite book of all time?
The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue.

What's your favorite song of all time?
Um, my current favorite is Come On Home by Indigenous.

When are you the happiest?
On the porch with Andrew at night in the summer, smoking cigarettes and talking.

Name some interests.
Hair, antiques, make up, pretty boxes, traveling, Southern Living Magazine, old video games, cleaning, old country houses, books, history, Coca-Cola.  Oh, and sleep.  Because I don't ever get enough of it.

Most visited websites.
Facebook, Blogger, Post Secret, Texts From Last Night, Southern Living, ReadyMade, Hotmail.

What's the move you last watched?
PCU.  I love Jeremy Piven.

What did you do today?
Got up at 6:30.  Got to school at 8.  My client was a no show.  So Karen and I flatironed each others hair to waste time, then we went home at 4.  I've been on the internet.

Any computer games you like?
Miami Shark.  5 Minutes to Kill Yourself.  Bloons.

What do you do on days off?
Sleep late, read, clean, run errands.  My life is not exciting.

Favorite adult beverage?
Frozen strawberry margarita with sugar on the rim.  Or Yuengling.  Or PBR.

What music do you listen to?
Rockabilly, country (new and old), classical, southern rock.

Do you tell people a lot about you?
Not really.  I don't overshare.  Especially at school, those girls talk a lot of shit.  I have my few I can talk to, that's it.

What are you going to do now?
Go play Miami Shark!



Here are a few of my clients.  Unfortunately I haven't taken pictures of all my clients like I should be.  The red head in the first picture was my FIRST CLIENT EVER for panels and a cut.  I was so nervous, but she was sweet.  The woman in the second picture is my classmate and friend that gets a highlight/lowlight.  The woman in the fifth picture is awesome and is coming to see me Wednesday for more highlights and a trim.  The woman in the last picture just came to me on Friday for a retouch and cut.



It's finally, finally the weekend.  And Friday really is the start of my weekends again.  I no longer have school on Saturdays!!!  Though my first Saturday off will be spent at a funeral. 

But yeah.

I have school Monday through Friday now.  Once I start having to make up Junior classes I'll have classes four days a week and only be on the floor Monday- the slow day.  But it will give me time to get caught up on requirements.  Oh, and we've started State Board class.  Which is proving to be easy.  It'll just suck to spend the next 6 weeks doing the same thing over and over and over again.  At least we go to State Board over-prepared.  Failing at State Board is a 70.  At my school it's an 80. 

I don't think I've ever posted hair I've done on here.  So I will.  One day.


spend the night.

So I'm moved into Andrew's house.  However, most of my stuff is still at my parents.  I keep wearing the same 10 outfits over and over.  I have books I want to read.  Things I need to have.  Most of my personal belongings are 30 minutes away.  And I haven't gotten the motivation to go and get anything.  I just don't want to go to that house, and if I do I want to be by myself.  I'm not really sure why.  I think I'm afraid if I start packing my stuff I'll get emotional and I don't want anyone to see it.  Andrew would be concerned and feel bad,  Daddy would be unhappy thinking I'm unhappy.  And Mom...  She would feel victorious in some way.  She'd take it as an affirmation that I did marry him just to get away from her and now I'm miserable.

Really she's been fine though.  She's been very nice.  Finally she's accepted it, even if her reason is because there is nothing that can be done anymore.  The battle is over, we got married.

And I am really happy!  This is like a spend the night party with your best friend that never ends.  If your best friend is a really hot man. 

He has been real good about letting me do things to try to make me feel like I live here, too.  I was afraid he would feel like I was trying to take over.  He let me put up a white painted mirror and take over the top of the dresser.  He's bought a lingere chest for extra storage and let me direct him on where to move the furniture.  He let me put some of his old stuff he 'decorated' with in boxes.  He even said he would paint the room if I picked out the color (he said no pink, fine with me).

This is my female corner.  It will be expanding soon.  :)


i'm back.

Ok, so.  I plan to be good now and actually update.

Got married March 27th!  Have moved into Andrew's house.  Getting settled here still.

Things are going well.  :)