

Well, Christmas will be here soon!  Andrew's at work so I've been wrapping presents and watching King of the Hill.  I've only gotten two of Andrew's presents: Call of Duty Black Ops and this target shooting game from a sports store.  It's so funny.  If you've been to a carnival you've seen the shooting game where you shoot and have to knock down the bunny or something.  It's a mini version of that.  We took a shortcut to the parking lot at the mall last week and he saw it and got excited.  He loves guns and shooting things.  So I decided I'd get it for him.  He's 28, married, and still loves toys.

I'm excited because Shelly (sister-in-law) has two weeks off for the holidays.  So on Monday we're going shopping.  I was going to finish up for Andrew and she was going to get Jonathan's gifts.  I'm just excited to get some girl time.  She's really the only close female friend I have.

Andrew's other gifts include pj pants.  He insists I keep stealing all his (true) so I figured I'd get him a couple pairs.  I'm also going to get him a new cell phone case.  He has this really old Nokia flip phone, he's not one much for new technology.  He doesn't even text!  I hope I can even find a new case, he really needs one.  The one he has is pretty much broken and his phone falls out 20 times a day.  I'm worried one day it's going to do it when he's on the motorcycle and he'll be phoneless.

Everyone have a great day!

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