Sorry for the cheesy title, I just couldn't help myself. This is going to be an ongoing post topic- dishes. Some people collect stamps, I collect dishes. I have five sets so far. Shelly (married to Andrew's brother, Jonathan) is also a dish nut. We blame Andrew's Mother, Kim.
This is Versatone by Noritake, and Lineage is the name of the pattern. Usually Noritake makes fine china but I guess they decided to dive into the world of casual dishes. As the name suggests, Versatone is versatile. It's durable enough for everyday, but still pretty enough for special occasions. The dishes are freezer, microwave and dishwasher safe.
They started making this pattern in 1977 and discontinued it in 1984. This set has 46 pieces.
This is the newest addition to my collection. Andrew bought this for me as a surprise on Sunday from Treasure Mart. I'd been eyeing it for months and it got down to $80. At that point it was buy it or lose it. It's my graduation dishes (he said he couldn't wait that long to give them to me).
The description
Replacements gives is: Versatone I, yellow floral, birds, green trim.
The true color of the dishes is lost in these pictures. The dish is a very subtle light green.
Dish Wish List:
Large oval platter.
Gravy boat with attached underplate. It's so cute!
2 quart round covered casserole dish. This is why I love serving pieces.