Another overcast day in Georgia. I love days like this, where it's about 75 degrees. It's awesome.
The neighbor Lisa just left with a guy on a motorcycle to get her car. Her son Sean's about 3 and when the guy pulled up he started yelling, "Motorcycle! Motorcycle!" Then when Sean realized Lisa was leaving he started yelling, "Mommy's leaving on the motorcycle! Vroooom!" The guy was like, "Can you say Harley? It's the only one that matters." Now Sean is sitting outside with his grandfather. His grandfather asked him if he liked Harleys and Sean said, "Harley bad, it took Mommy away." You can find this funny because it's a kid being cute, but also if you're like me and you don't like Harley you find it funny on a whole different level.
So my Mom and I got into it again yesterday. I haven't said anything on here, but last Thursday Mom told me the cosmetology school I was going to go to was pretty much a joke, and they lied about the stuff they teach you. I was very upset, I felt like the past year was a waste, I was panicked, and I'd even paid for it myself. Anyway, she found this out from Roxy, the girl that does her hair. Roxy went to The Process, where I had originally wanted to go. I believed her, but did some research and asked some questions. They don't teach you everything you need to know, they teach you the very basics. So basically when I graduated, if I got hired anywhere, they'd still have to train me at work. Not what I wanted. So Mom tells me I should go to The Process. However, Roxy also has an associates degree, which she got before cosmetology school. Since it's something that Mom wants, and someone else did it, she now thinks it's the only way to do it. So now Mom is pushing for me to get my associates and then go, and they'll pay for it. Very tempting. But if I get my associates now, it's foiling my carefully laid plans. And I thought I was done with the fighting, and the stress. I thought it was over, and that by this time next year I'd be done. But no. I'm not that lucky. I think God hates me sometimes.