
american gothic.

So now I'm thinking purple and green for wedding colors.  But rich colors!  I figured out my friend is doing green and brown, and I don't want to do the same thing she is.  And a September wedding.

And I think I have a new favorite dress...

It's Justin Alexander, #8453.  It's layered cream net with Swarovaski crystals, pearls, and gold embroidered lace.  And it's only $1,200.  They described it as American Gothic goes glam.  I saw it in the "American Beauty" spread in Brides Magazine and it makes me want to get married in the country wearing a cameo necklace like she is in the magazine.  I even love cameos.  I'm not sure why she's in a box in this picture, but I desperately want to see the dress in person.  Obviously because I want to try it on. :)



I've been looking at wedding stuff... I've decided my colors are going to be moss green and a copper color.  I figured that would work for a fall wedding.  And green is my favorite color.  Anyway, some bridemaids dresses I have looked at.

These two are my favorites.  I want my dress to be lacy, and these tie into that.

These are my three favorite dresses.  Especially the first two.  Very lacy, a little vintage feeling.

And if I could afford one of these I would get one.


the process.

I start school at The Process on October 6th. Yessss!!!

It's the Rolls Royce of cosmetology schools.



Road my Mom works off of.
Sugarloaf.  Another road Mom takes to get to work.
In Lilburn.
Downtown connector.
Yeah.  Flooding in Georgia.  It's been raining non-stop since last week.  Guess I was wrong about it not raining.  Some drought we're in.  I have a freakin' lake in my backyard.

Those rain boots would have been nice.


rattling the panes.

The thunder is rattling the glass in my windows.  I wish I had rain boots.  It's supposed to rain til next Thursday.  It's Georgia, so we'll see if that happens.

And I wish I could get the other boots I want.

I hate not having a job.  I realized for the first time yesterday how much it pissed me off. 

And I'm stressed about getting everything done for school.  I wish I'd filled out the FAFSA a long time ago for this very reason. 

And I have to see my Mom today.  I've avoided her for about two weeks.  Not looking forward to that.  My plan is to see her for about 30 minutes, be as nice as possible, then leave.  No arguing.  Which is going to be pretty much impossible.  She won't let me not argue. 


rainy days.

Sorry about the 10 day absense. It's been kind of a shitty. I got laid off on Wednesday. That was how I was going to pay for school. I've been at my boyfriend's due to complications with my Mother. Again. It's very hard to remain mature and not just kill her.

Went antiquing with Andrew's Mom on Friday. Found an awesome vintage coral ring that I want to buy. But, seeing as I have no job... Also saw some really cool vintage furniture that gave me tons of decorating ideas. The only thing I ended up buying was a costume jewelry cameo for $5. I've become completely obsessed with cameos. But I really covet the nice ones. On Sunday we all went to Madison. Since it was Sunday most of the shops are closed, so we only went in two. The first one had lots of badass confederate stuff in it, and a fuck ton of jewelry. I nearly had a heart attack. They even had a time line part that started in 1850 and went up to modern day. Found tons of cameos (real ones, like, $250 ones) and some really pretty coral jewelry. I'm becoming obsessed with carved coral rings.

It's rainy in Georgia. And a nice 70 degrees today.  I hope Andrew didn't take the motorcycle to work.


75 and fighting.

Another overcast day in Georgia. I love days like this, where it's about 75 degrees. It's awesome.

The neighbor Lisa just left with a guy on a motorcycle to get her car. Her son Sean's about 3 and when the guy pulled up he started yelling, "Motorcycle! Motorcycle!" Then when Sean realized Lisa was leaving he started yelling, "Mommy's leaving on the motorcycle! Vroooom!" The guy was like, "Can you say Harley? It's the only one that matters." Now Sean is sitting outside with his grandfather. His grandfather asked him if he liked Harleys and Sean said, "Harley bad, it took Mommy away." You can find this funny because it's a kid being cute, but also if you're like me and you don't like Harley you find it funny on a whole different level.

So my Mom and I got into it again yesterday. I haven't said anything on here, but last Thursday Mom told me the cosmetology school I was going to go to was pretty much a joke, and they lied about the stuff they teach you. I was very upset, I felt like the past year was a waste, I was panicked, and I'd even paid for it myself. Anyway, she found this out from Roxy, the girl that does her hair. Roxy went to The Process, where I had originally wanted to go. I believed her, but did some research and asked some questions. They don't teach you everything you need to know, they teach you the very basics. So basically when I graduated, if I got hired anywhere, they'd still have to train me at work. Not what I wanted. So Mom tells me I should go to The Process. However, Roxy also has an associates degree, which she got before cosmetology school. Since it's something that Mom wants, and someone else did it, she now thinks it's the only way to do it. So now Mom is pushing for me to get my associates and then go, and they'll pay for it. Very tempting. But if I get my associates now, it's foiling my carefully laid plans. And I thought I was done with the fighting, and the stress. I thought it was over, and that by this time next year I'd be done. But no. I'm not that lucky. I think God hates me sometimes.


hair and deco.

So, it's that time again. The time where I get sick of my hair cut. Which is strange, this has by far been my favorite hair cut ever. But, it's also the longest hair I've had since I was about 10. I've had this haircut since September. It's time for something new. And I wasn't really going to do anything drastic, I am trying to grow it long. I'll probably just end up growing out the bangs. I'm tired of having to get them cut every 3 weeks. I can't really complain about the cost of it, seeing as there is none because I work in a shop. It just sucks when it gets to be that time and Barabara's not working. I won't let anyone else cut my hair, so it gets in my eyes and annoys me. Or maybe if I could just get my bangs thinned out, so they're more wispy. I don't know. Any ideas?

I really want an iron bed. And I really want to paint the frame of it Robin's Egg Blue. Yeah. I kind of want to decorate my whole house in a vintage-country-shabby look. So lots of white, and blues, and greens. Light colors. Old furniture. Flowers and decorative items. Lots of little touches. I've already started looking at stuff. Looking at stuff that probably won't be there by next summer when I'll actually need it.


nesting instincts.

Yesterday was my 5 month with Andrew.  This makes me very, very happy.  However, things have really not gotten better with my Mother.  I mean, she tolerates his precence on the nights he comes to pick me up, but he's only there for 10 minutes.  And he's sweet to her.  She likes classic movies, so last night he brought her some classic film noir movies she hasn't seen.  I had this brilliant plan, and now I may have to work on the 12th which foils my brilliant plan of having my parents come to his Lodge fundraiser to meet his parents.  It's for a good cause, and they won't have to stay long.  Hard to say no to, hopefully.
I've started my nesting, which is still kind of strange to me.  Things like looking at furniture, and dishes, getting ideas for decorating, paint colors, and what kind of house (older one!), are all things I've never really thought of.  Especially with another person involved.  I keep thinking, "I want to do this, will Andrew mind that?"  He tells me, "Whatever you want, baby."  (Yes, I do have the best boyfriend ever)  Then of course he'll say he wants to do something and I'm like, "Ah! No! Why don't you do that in the garage or your shop?"

Anyway, been thinking about doing a project like this but never had the motivation/time/materials to do it.  I also didn't know how it would look, so I just let it be.  But I saw in a magazine yesterday that someone had done this and it looked really pretty.  It starts with this...

Pile of random pieces of furniture.  Think about the shape and size you want, and after you get something you're happy with take a picture.  Then after some sanding, priming, and painting, put it all together and you get this...
Yeah, pretty sweet, huh?  I like it, and it gave me motivation to try it.  I just have to start collecting pieces of furniture.  Hello, Goodwill and Treasure Mart!
For the full article on how this was done go to ReadyMade: Instructions for Everyday Life.


autumn makes me sing.

It is finally September.  That means fall is right around the corner!!!  I can't wait.  I want to wear boots and not get strange looks, I want to wear leggings, and tights, and scarves.  I want to layer!  I'm tired of it being so hot, even though today it's somewhere in the 60s.  It's kind of a tease. 
I am ready for this...